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PBG boars



Regular price $50.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $50.00 USD
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Bullseye x Tike

Bred by Lancaster Hampshires

Stress: NEG    EN: 9-9    Reg#: 508875009


****Hampshire Breed Composition Test: PASSED****

DIALED IN!! This one gets us fired up about the Hampshire breed!! A big-time boar from one of the legendary Hampshire breeders!! Without a doubt, Joe Lancaster is one of the truly iconic breeders in this industry! Joe has been making great Hampshires for decades and he is as "DIALED IN” on building Hampshire hogs that are making big time changes within the breed as he ever has!! We had heard about the special young "9-9” boar at Joe's and with the summer that Bullseye had, we were obviously very interested. Our good friend Todd Kennedy put us on the trail to try to get this one bought, and we are very grateful for that! It took a lot of time and negotiations, but we are thrilled to own this incredible Hampshire boar! Talking with Joe, the passion he has for building better Hampshires and putting together the pieces of the puzzle to make breed progress is very evident. And that pride and passion is even stronger when he is talking about this boar! Simply put, DIALED IN is one of the most impressive Hampshire boars we have ever seen. Along with his dynamic visual attributes, it gets even more exciting with him when you study his genetic makeup with him being an intensely linebred hog (Bullseye x Tike (Tike is Bullseye’s sire), which should ensure consistency in his generating potential! Sired by the great Bullseye (Tike x Lanlock) boar that has certainly made a big stir in the Hampshire breed! Bullseye is the sire of LEGEND, Wehmer's very popular 2021 Indiana State Fair Grand Champion Hampshire Boar standing here at Premium Blend Genetics! Additionally, Bullseye also sired lots of popular, high selling individuals throughout the summer show season including the Wehmer gilts that sold for $25,000, $11,000 and $7,000 at the ’21 STC! Even more exciting, the dam of DIALED IN is a littermate to Bullseye's mother! Bullseye's mother is the 23-3 sow and DIALED IN'S mother is 23-4 sow so DIALED IN'S mother is an identical mating (littermate sows) to Bullseye himself, making DIALED IN'S pedigree an extremely tightly lined up pedigree! We think this fact is so valuable, especially in this case because if you have seen the Bullseye offspring, there is no denying that they have a very unique look and build that allows them to stand out in a crowd! With DIALED IN being such a special individual, made up of this tightly linebred pedigree, the consistency to which he should generate Hampshires with these unique, extreme qualities makes him even more exciting and valuable! Special thanks to Joe Lancaster for the opportunity to own such a special Hampshire boar. It is a breed we have a genuine passion for and owning a boar with the generating potential of DIALED IN is something we are very proud to offer our customers!

DIALED IN offers so many extreme, far-reaching pieces, yet does so with a truly impeccable skeleton and structural build! We think DIALED IN takes it to an entirely new level for the Hampshire breed with his ability to offer those extremes, yet still offer the balance and completeness it takes to be a very versatile sire! He has the stoutness, power, and mass to make those pigs that are very easy to sell early and can win right away, while still having the frame and enough skeletal size to make those show gilts and barrows that can make it to heavier weights and still be fresh to win in the end in the big rings!! DIALED IN is an incredibly heavy structured, stout featured boar with enormous bones and big feet. His skull is stout and reads like a masculine breeding hog, while still being very attractive through his head with awesome length of neck. DIALED IN is a bold chested, big bladed hog that has extreme body depth/capacity and spring to his rib cage. In true Hampshire fashion, he is loaded with muscle shape, being very descript in his muscle pattern with a huge back. His hip is long, with an ideal slope that allows his hind leg to plant and motor with unmatched length of stride and range of motion. DIALED IN has a thick, dark hark haircoat with incredible skin texture. He has perfect Hampshire breed character with a wide belt, symmetrical on both sides and a very traditional Hampshire head and ear set. His underline and teat quality are also extremely good. We could go on and on about this boar and never run out of good things to say about him. We think he is very, very special. Thanks again to Joe Lancaster for the opportunity! When it comes time to make those Hampshire boars, barrows, and gilts to get to the top and compete for the “Overall” banners---its time to get DIALED IN!

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